Student Feedback

Student Feedback Procedures

The mission of Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College is to “prepare exceptional nurse leaders in an academic learner-centered environment.” The College acknowledges the maturity, autonomy and dignity of its students. In an effort to provide a student-centered educational environment that respects and values the diversity of all persons and fosters life-long learning, the College has instituted various mechanisms to address student complaints/feedback.

The earlier the communication is made, however, the more likely it is to resolve the matter satisfactorily. Specific policies and procedures related to addressing student complaints and concerns can be found in the Student Handbook.

Feedback is monitored regularly by the Student Services Department staff. Complaints or feedback are directed to the office, manager or college administrator who can provide a response or take appropriate action.

Students are asked to describe the suggestion or concern in as much detail as possible. Confidentiality will be maintained. If the student forwarding the complaint/feedback provides his or her name, direct response can be provided.

In any case, the responses/actions taken are posted in Canvas in order to address student feedback.
Canvas > GSON Student ResourcesPages > Student Feedback

Please fill out the following form by describing your suggestion or concern in as much detail as possible. Use names in order to have the concern addressed directly. If you choose to provide your name, it will be kept confidential when describing/addressing the suggestion(s) or concern(s).

Submit Feedback Online Using the Form Below

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