Advisory Council

Alumni Advisory Council

The Alumni Advisory Council members serve as the ambassadors to Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College. Representing over 11,000 alumni, council members advise the dean and the association in fulfilling the alumni association's mission to:

  • Unite the graduates of the legacy educational institutions of Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College
  • Support the interests of the college
  • Promote the professional and educational advancement of nursing

Shaping the Alumni Association

Being a member of the Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) provides the opportunity to shape the Alumni Association by planning communications and making recommendations to the Dean and the Director of Alumni Affairs. Recommendations could potentially involve:

  • Connecting current students and alumni
  • Reunions, programming and social activities
  • Publications and communications
  • Awards and recognition
  • Mentorship program
  • Archives

The Alumni Advisory Council representatives have a framework to contribute to activities and programs that will more effectively engage the Barnes-Jewish alumni population.

Alumni Advisory Council (AAC) Members

The AAC is comprised of a diverse group of alumni, students, faculty graduates and staff. It maintains between two and eleven representatives from our legacy institutions and Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College. Each representative serves no more than two terms of two years with rotating terms to ensure consistent representation.

Alumni Representatives

  • Chelsi Wright, '17, Chair-Elect
  • Jennifer Tice Williams, '06, '07, '14, Chair
  • Marilyn Baumann, '83, Past Chair
  • Penny Bari, ‘61
  • Dianne Benz, '71
  • Diana Economon, ‘75
  • Beverly Ervin, ‘60
  • Kat Galati, '17
  • Chelsi Gonzalez, ‘17
  • Christine Hessler, '17
  • George Holland, ‘06, Past Chair
  • Julie Lewis, Past Chair
  • Erin Walsh, '17 


Faculty Representatives

  • Xiumei Lin, '06, '09, Assistant Professor
  • Julie Spencer, '09, Associate Professor


Staff Representatives

  • June Cowell-Oates, director of alumni affairs and program officer for student affairs and diversity
  • Martha Stewart, Administrative Coordinator
  • Pamela Dempski, Director of Advancement
  • Marilyn Sheperd, Major Gift Officer

Advisory Council Nomination Form

To nominate yourself or a classmate to be a council member, fill out and submit the following Barnes-Jewish Alumni Advisory Council Nomination form. Contact Dr. June Cowell-Oates at [email protected] or 314.454.8694 with any questions about the form or the nomination process.

Please submit any nomination forms for the Alumni Advisory Council today:

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Please Select Your Top Three Areas of Interest

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Please attach your CV, or resume, to showcase the educational or professional experiences that have prepared you to serve on the Barnes-Jewish College Alumni Advisory Council.
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