Wednesday Word: Wear Red

By: School of Nursing

Wednesday Word - Wear Red

Prevent Heart Disease, Win Prizes

Women are masterful multi-taskers. Yet juggling family schedules, managing household details, supervising kids' schoolwork, and preparing for daily conference calls leave many women scarce time to prioritize their own health. And constant stress takes a toll on the heart.

Heart disease is the number one killer of women—it takes more lives than all forms of cancer combined. The good news is heart disease is often preventable. Don't wait until you or a loved one have a heart emergency to know your risk and take action. For more information on heart disease prevention, visit in a new window).

Enter the Wear Red Day Photo Contest

One of the first steps in heart disease and stroke prevention in women is to build awareness. Wearing red on Feb. 4 as part of a national effort is an important way to draw attention to the issue. And you may win a prize!

When you Wear Red on Feb. 4, take a photo of yourself and post it to Yammer. You can win a $100 Amazon gift card or two 2022 I Heart Blues T-shirts.

Here's how to enter:

Take your Wear Red photo
Post it to any community in Yammer with the hashtag #bjchasheart2022
Deadline to post: 10 p.m., Feb. 6

Photos may be used on BJC's external social media platforms. Winners will be contacted and announced during the week of Feb. 7.
