How to Succeed in Online Nursing Classes

By: School of Nursing

Student sitting at her computer.

Nursing school can be a stressful time in normal circumstances, both because of what’s happening in class and the world around you. These days, we understand that there are more challenges than ever before and students are looking for the secrets of how to succeed in nursing school as courses move online and life outside of the classroom is anything but normal. Nursing school can be a stressful time in normal circumstances, both because of what’s happening in class and the world around you. These days, we understand that there are more challenges than ever before and students are looking for the secrets of how to succeed in nursing school as courses move online and life outside of the classroom is anything but normal.

The Student Support Services team is here to help carry the load and lighten the burden, whether academically or managing life outside of school in ways that keep your education on the list of priorities. Get some of our top tips for academic success and learn how we can help you when you need assistance.

The Basics of How to Succeed in Nursing School

No matter if you’re on campus or taking online classes, some key elements of success stay the same. As you prepare for the school year ahead, take note of these essential tips:

  • Study with your peers to learn new material and connect with others.
  • Avoid cramming by continually reviewing information throughout the term.
  • Develop healthy habits like getting plenty of rest and eating balanced meals.
  • Talk with faculty when you have questions or want to follow-up on classwork.
  • Don’t neglect “me time” when you can take a break for meditation, journaling, gaming or getting some fresh air.

And, of course, we suggest asking for help when you need it. Whether you’re struggling with work-life-school balance or disabilities, turning to Student Support Services is key. More on that below!

Make the Most of Online Nursing Classes

Wondering how to succeed in online nursing classes now that things have moved to virtual learning? In addition to our standard tips, there are a variety of ways to ensure that you keep on track.

  • Create a dedicated study space where you can concentrate and focus on school.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions during lectures that are happening in real-time by using the chat box in your online class.
  • Arrange virtual check-ins with your instructors via phone or email.
  • Stay organized and map out a schedule to maintain your commitment. Try using a big calendar or planner to manage tasks and remind yourself of your goals.

One of our Academic and Student Support Advisors, Jessica Allen, MEd, also offers a crucial piece of advice for how to succeed in online nursing classes. 

“Be focused on completing your work when you are your best you! I always share with my students to not force yourself to do the hard work doing your worst time of day. If you’re a morning person, devote your morning to the subjects you struggle with the most. If you’re an evening person or late owl, devote that time to the subjects you struggle with as well.”

What are Student Support Services?

Even with these suggestions in mind, don’t despair if you find yourself in need of additional support and guidance. Goldfarb School of Nursing offers a wide range of Student Support Services—and, perhaps best of all, you can access them for free.

So how do you know it’s time to turn to an academic or student support advisor?

  • You feel like you’re in trouble academically or have been told by faculty that you’re in danger of failing.
  • You’re motivated to finish but need help to stay on track.
  • The first exam doesn’t go well and you’re not sure what to do from here.
  • You’re struggling to balance working or caring for family while in school.
  • School is feeling overwhelming and too stressful for you.

Anytime you’d like to reach out and start building a support network!

Every student is different, but reaching out in the early stages of struggle will give you support and help reset your priorities before it’s too late to turn things around. Even if you feel like the biggest stressors are out of your control, which is very common during a pandemic like COVID-19, faculty and advisors want to hear from you and find ways to help you succeed.

Types of student support at Goldfarb

Sometimes the best first step is to have someone else assess your situation from an outside perspective and create a plan to address the barriers you’re facing. Our services include programs for peer tutoring, leading, mentoring and student clubs. Confidential Disability Services are also available to provide the accommodations you need to meet your goals.

As an example, Jessica Allen shares this story of a nursing student who used support services to take control of her future despite the challenges of mental illness:

“I had a student who started Goldfarb as a stellar student and had a full tuition scholarship. She introduced herself to me and became a frequent visitor, however, she faced some personal challenges which led her to address her mental health illness. While addressing her illness, I worked behind the scenes with faculty and the director to create a plan to help her be successful upon her return. Nursing school was stressful for her and her doctor made some recommendations. 

After accommodating her request, her journey at Goldfarb became a little longer, but she came back stronger than ever ready to finish. Once she got re-adjusted to being back, we worked together on making sure she created a plan, and she sought ways to stay on campus more. We discussed applying for work-study which then she was later hired in the Research department. She used tutoring and later became a tutor to support other students. 

In her final term, she wrapped up with a 4.0. I was so happy in the end to see a clear example of a student who used the support to help her address her personal needs outside of the school.”

Don’t forget about virtual support!

The shift to online nursing classes isn’t what a lot of students had in mind, especially for programs that are traditionally very hands-on with clinicals and labs. If this change is affecting your academic performance or well-being, Student Support Services is prepared to help.

You’ll find that we’ve shifted to more phone calls, video chats and texting in addition to your normal communications over email. Plus, we’re more accessible during odd hours since students aren’t on campus. Don’t let your frustration build without asking for help. Instead, connect with people who are focused on your success and can help make the best out of this challenging situation.

Reach out to Student Support Services and we’ll work with you on how to succeed in online nursing classes at Goldfarb in ways that are tailored to your individual needs. According to Jessica, it’s common for high-stakes programs to make students forget about the fun and important things that are available to them. “We can help you create the supportive community you need to meet your goals.”